WWII Range Experience


Close-up photo of a World War II GI issue Thompson submachine gun.
Thompson submachine gun.

Photo of an M1 Carbine in a shooting lane, resting on its neutral-colored canvas carry case.
M1 Carbin


Category: Product ID: 3996


The World War II shooting range experience puts you in touch with iconic firearms of the 20th century. The 1911 handgun (45 ACP), the Thomspon sub-machine gun (45ACP, semi-automatic version), and an original M1 Carbine that saw action in WWII and Korea. The experience is about 90 minutes long, starting with a conference room introduction to the firearms and their history. Following a safety briefing, we proceed to live fire that includes up to 200 rounds of 45 ACP and 50 rounds of 30-carbine. The cost is $500 for one or two people. Available in Boston only.

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